JASON! No, you can't be the newest member of The Hooters! |  Nope, just because Karin's last name is SLAUGHTER doesn't mean she wants to experience one... |  No, Jason, Dawn isn't interested in playing a piano duet with you. |  We know ThrillerFest has a killer staff but we didn't want you to actually kill them! |  Sorry, Jason, the world is waiting for more Game of Thrones...I had to save George R.R. Martin from a "visit" with you. |  No, Jason, I don't think Chris Grall needs a lesson on hand to hand combat with a machete. |  Jason! Tori wasn't looking for that kind of start to ThrillerFest! |  No, Jason, I don't think Grant Blackwood wanted a view of your machete instead of the view of NYC from the terrace. |
 Jason! No! Who will MC the ThrillerFest Awards Banquet?! |  Jason, I don't want to have your friends over for a playdate *shudder* |  JASON! I know you loved KJ's suit but that's not the way to ask to borrow it! |  Jason! I don't think Joseph Finder is interested in learning what the buried part of his novel Buried Secrets is like... |  Not the MacGregor sisters! |  Jason, you don't need to show Ed how The Thrill REALLY Begins... |  No, Jason, D.P. Lyle doesn't want you to show him how to really stop a heart!! |  Jason, I don't think attempting to kidnap Lee Child is a great way to see if Jack Reacher is real! |
 No, Jason, that is NOT a good way to get a Goosebumps book written about you! |  No, Jason, that's not the way to get on a panel at ThrillerFest... |  No, Max does NOT want a ride to school! |  Aww! It's so nice to see you two getting along! Last time you two got together it was, well, not so good... |  Jason, I don't think Christina and Lauren were interested in the word "slash" when they thought of the title of their new release, Love And Other Words! |  JASON!!! I do NOT think murder is the traditional gift for a first anniversary! |  Well, Jason, I guess you DON'T need a helmet... |  No, Jason. These ladies are not interested in adopting you into their family! |
 Jason! Just because Kimberly writes about first responders doesn't mean she wants to test out their life saving techniques! |  Jason! I'm pretty sure Robin didn't want to see your bloody technique for giving her hair red highlights! |  No Jason, Chelle is not interested in playing a game of "lay real still while I dangle my machete over your head." |  Jason, when you said you'd want to whisper sweet nothings into Debra's ear, we didn't know "sweet nothings" was code for your machete |  I realize October 2017 is going to be big for you, Jason, but it's only August....where are you going? |  Jason, J.r. Ward writes books with DAGGER in the title and no, I don't think this will convince her to change to it MACHETE! |  Jason! I don't think Steve Berry wants to write horrors and I'm SURE he doesn't want a demo on how to wield a machete! |  Yes Jason, Laura Kaye, Christopher Rice, and Tessa Bailey are triple threats with all their talents but I don't think they want to be part of your talents with triple homicides |
 Yes, Jason. Larissa Ione does write about demons but I'm sure she doesn't want a demonstration on how they kill people. |  Jason, I don't think that's going to convince J. Kenner replace Stark with Voorhees... |  Jason, Shayla Black may have wicked in her titles but I don't think she wants to experience it in real life! |  Jason. I'm pretty sure that's NOT how Lexi Blake's character's use rope in her books. |  No, Jason. I don't think Lara Adrian needs a haircut! |  Jason, I don't think Lorelei James wants to write you as a slashing cowboy in her next book. Sorry. |  what do you mean you need to "go visit friends" Jason... |  Aww! Family portrait! |
 Jason! NO! |  Jason! We do NOT push people off of roofs! |  More ice cream, Jason? Well, it IS your 68th birthday |  The pic that started it all... |  Ok, it IS your birthday after all...you can have some frozen yogurt even though you had a cupcake fro breakfast today |  Jason, that is NOT very nice! |  JASON! NO! |  What are the odds that your 68th birthday would fall on a Friday the 13th, Jason? |
 While I do realize it matches your birthday hat, no one is going to play on your "rope swing" |  JASON! NO! |  Cheers, Jason! |  Um, no, Jason. That's NOT milk |  Jason, I thought I told you to wait in the car. |  While I'm sure you're right in saying a human body is biodegradable organic material, I don't think this is a good idea, Jason. |  Yes, I do understand that you don't mind the red cup...because it looks like your favorite thing: blood. |  Hmmm...no, Jason, I don't think those are good things to add to this list. |
 Jason, I don't think Santa can bring you a new machete for Christmas |  Jason! NO!!! |  Jason, I know it's dissection day in middle school science today, but no it's not BYOC (bring your own corpse) and you can't go to school. |  Jason. You cannot kidnap my mother and keep her for your own. |  JASON! "Let's see it it will sink" is NOT a good game to play! |  JASON! NO! |  Oh, it's Friday the 13th? For sure it'll be a good day... |  Damn, Jason! Back at it again with the white Vans! |
 Goodnight, Jason. You've got a big day ahead of you tomorrow! |  I don't know, Jason. That hurt way more than you using a marker...are you sure this will wash off? |  No, Jason, I don't think playing a game of "Let's step on Max's fingers as he dangles over the steps and see how long he can hold on" is a great way to start off the day |  Jason! Oh, wait. I can't even be mad at you for playing with fire this time. |  Sorry, Jason. I don't think this will help get you less water logged. |  Jason! You cannot invite the neighborhood kids over for an after school snack! |  Jason, I don't think the score is 13-13 |  While I realize you're way older than 16, you clearly don't know how to drive. |
 Jason, don't you think a spoon would work better? |  No, Jason< I don't think the swimmers will think it's funny if you grab their legs as they swim by |  Jason, I'm not getting you a new tent because you are NOT going camping |  Jason! Get out of that fire truck! |  No, Jason, I don't think every restaurant will want "deep fried camper" on their menus |  No, I don't think you get to kill the other team if you get a home-run |  I don't think they have those item at the grocery store, Jason. |  While I'm sure they enjoy the donation, I don't think they'll let you slash the next person who comes up |
 JASON! It's a weeknight! |  Nope. Pretty sure they won't mail corpses, Jason |  Sorry, Jason, I am not getting you a new toy |  Damn, Jason...that's HARSH! |  No, Jason, you really don't need one of these for protection from things that go bump in the night. |  Ok, maybe your mother would like this bouquet but it's certainly not for every mother on Mother's Day |  Thanks, Jason, but I can do that...with a much smaller knife |  It may be a little late for that, Jason |